Vegetable scraps stock

  • Prep time 5 mins
  • Cook time 1 hrs
  • Serves 5+
Reduce Energy - Vegetable peelings stock


  • 600g mixed vegetable peelings and scraps (onions, leeks, green leaves, carrots, herbs etc.)
  • Sea salt and black pepper
  • 2 tbsp oil
  • 2 bay leaves

Makes 1.5 litres


  1. Heat the oil in a large saucepan over a medium heat, then add the vegetable scraps, except the herbs and bay leaves, stirring frequently until the vegetables begin to colour. Then add the herbs and bay leaves and pour over enough water to cover the vegetables.
  2. Season with salt and pepper and simmer for an hour to reduce.
  3. Taste and adjust the seasoning if necessary, then cool and refrigerate or freeze until needed for soups and sauces.