Sustainable eating - saving time, money and the planet…

Welcome to our simple resource aimed at providing some top tips on how to reduce your food waste, packaging, and energy use in the kitchen. We’ve also developed some ‘waste not’ recipes and partnered with eco-chef Tom Hunt on other tasty dishes that you might want to try at home.

About us…

Food & Drink Wales is a division of the Welsh Government and has a ‘green shoots’ vision aimed at creating ‘one of the most environmentally and socially responsible supply chains in the world.’

We can all do our part and we hope some of the advice in these pages might add to your existing knowledge and help you save time, money and the planet.

Tom Hunt

More about Tom…

While we all want to eat more sustainably it is hard to ignore the wider context of increased energy bills and the rapid rise in food costs.

That is why one of the people we’ve teamed up with is eco-chef Tom Hunt to share his ideas on saving money and time, while supporting our planet through clever cooking.

Like Tom says, ‘think of this guide as a starting point to help you eat for pleasure, people and the planet.’ 

Tom has worked with food his whole life and cooks with his family every day, feeding them the best food he can on a budget. His experience working as a food journalist and activist has taught him that how we eat has the power to improve not only our health, but that of our communities, and even the environment. Everything is connected through our food web, the locations from where our ingredients come from and how they got to us.

From eating – where possible – seasonally, through to making your own cleaning products, a starting guide to it all can be found in this downloadable toolkit.

We’ve also developed a seasonality wall chart you might like to view.

Tom Hunt

Start as you mean to go on…

Start simple with modest changes to your cooking and purchasing habits and before you know you’ll be thinking up your own ideas of how to save time, money and the planet.


Happy reading and happy eating….

Welsh Landscape

Download the Sustainability Toolkit

Parsnip Soup

Ten Waste-Nots

Table setting of food
