Helping your food and drink business develop a carbon reduction plan

Measuring the success of your business is essential for growth, but have you measured your business’ carbon outputs?

Reducing your business’ emissions not only brings benefits to your business and the wider community, but it also contributes to the government’s target of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.

A new initiative has been launched, giving food and drink businesses the opportunity to develop carbon reduction plans.


What is a carbon reduction plan?

A carbon reduction plan is a roadmap created by businesses or organisations to cut down on their carbon emissions and environmental footprint. It sets targets for reducing emissions, outlines strategies to achieve these goals, and tracks progress over time.

These plans often involve measures like boosting energy efficiency, adopting renewable energy sources, and promoting sustainable practices to help combat climate change.


How can we support your business?

We are seeking 120 food and drink businesses from across Wales to join the pilot phase of the initiative running from April 2024 to March 2025.

As part of the programme, businesses will receive support to:

  1. establish a baseline for their carbon footprint;
  2. develop a carbon reduction plan with a target of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.


How can your business get involved?

Four existing projects will be supporting businesses during this phase.

To join the pilot, please contact one of the projects listed below and include “Carbon Reduction Plans Pilot” in the subject line.

  1. Sustainability Cluster:
  2. Scale Up Programme:
  3. Food & Drink Skills Wales:
  4. Trade Development Programme:


What happens after the pilot phase?

Subject to the pilot phase’s success and the availability of funding, proposals for continuing the service beyond March 2025 will be put forward.

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